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24 Mar 2021

List of Japan textile manufacturers you should know (1): VANCET

Functional Textile
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Hi guys, it is Jane again! If you are new to Japanese textile industry, you must be overwhelmed by the number of fabric & accessories manufacturers here. In this series, I will guide you to a list of manufacturers you might come across, hope you can have a glance of the overall market and choose your favorite.

Today, let's find out about one of the most popular fabric manufacturers available in ApparelX, VANCET.

VANCET, also known as Sojitsu Fashion, is an original fabric company under Sojitz Corporation. Sojitz Corporation is engaged in a wide range of businesses with a broad range of sectors like automobiles, energy, mineral resources, chemicals, foodstuff resources, agricultural and forestry resources , consumer goods, and industrial parks, in Japan and overseas.

Vancet 2019 exhibition.

They have been in the textile business since 1960, carrying more than 1,200 items with 12,000 colors, and 7,000,000 meters of fabric in stock. Their strength is versatile products that catch trends, functional fabric and great quantity of in stock products. VANCET fabric has a Wide variety from cotton, synthetic, yarn dyed, jersey to printed, denims and woolen fabrics.

Let see what is the most high demand series of VANCET, shall we?


Currently one of the best seller functional fabric series of VANCET. Since the beginning of the pandemic, more and more people are seeking for anti viral and anti bacterial fabric. For more details, please see my article about CLEANSE .


If you are into sustainability fabric, you must know recycled PE fabric .It is an eco-friendly material using recycled polyester.

The company's own fabric series "ecoto" is focusing on appealing for the same season. This is a collection of fabrics made from recycled PET bottle polyester yarn, and the version using the same yarn and cotton with a two-layer structure is launched as " ecoto +". The weave structure is often oxford or twill.


"Seven Berry" has a rich lineup of original print fabrics. They offer a variety of printed fabrics, from basic classic patterns to seasonal products that incorporate the latest trends.

What is your favorite Japan manufacturer that you discovered recently? For more VANCET fabrics, please visit our VANCET Products List .

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Hi guys, my name is Jane and I'm from Vietnam .
My hobbies is make up, fashion and Japanese culture.
Hope you guys will enjoy my posts about Japanese fashion industry and Japanese culture in general!
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Deliver From Japan
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