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31 Mar 2021

List of Japan textile manufacturers you should know (3): Uni-Textile

Japan Manufacturer
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Hi guys, it is Jane again! If you are new to Japanese textile industry, you must be overwhelmed by the number of fabric & accessories manufacturers here. In this series, I will guide you to a list of manufacturers you might come across, hope you can have a glance of the overall market and choose your favorite.

Uni Textile Co., Ltd. was founded in 1999 and is a textile manufacturer that handles textile, using “Komon Kobo” that utilizes Japanese traditions and techniques. Komon Komon is a registered trademark of Uni Textile Co., Ltd., which continues to create attractive traditional materials, such as the traditional Japanese art “Edo Komon”. They focus on Japanese products and collaborate with the accumulated craftsmanship and new textile materials, propose a lot of seasonal new materials and new products.

Since the brand has its own factories and cooperating factories, all of the product of Uni Textile are made in Japan. Uni Textile own factories for Dobby looms and Jacquard looms, and they cooperate with other factories for dyeing and printing fabric. Uni Textile always keep an inventory of about 40,000 kinds of materials, including natural fibers, synthetic fibers, prints, lace fabrics, and other materials planned in-house.With their meticulous production control, they are able to deliver sample fabrics immediately, and manufacture the actual fabrics in three days or in one week for printed fabrics.

Uni Textile products are fulfill the requirements of J∞QUALITY, which is “Safety, Security and Compliance Company Certification for Woven and Knitted Fabrics” by the Japan Fashion Industry Council. They are actively participating in exhibitions in Milan, Shanghai, New York and other parts of the world to expand their market overseas. The fabrics, which are the result of collaboration between the accumulated skills of Japanese craftsmen and new fiber materials, are highly evaluated in Europe, the United States, and Asia.

One of Uni Textile's exhibition.

Let see what is the most high demand fabric of Uni Textile on ApparelX, shall we ?

KKC 606MW 60 Lawn Miracle Wave

KKF7484GS Platinum Split Fiber Satin Airflow

KKF3584FSDF Antiviral Processing Venus Back Satin Sandwash Surface Stretch

What is your favorite Japan manufacturer that you discovered recently? For more SUNWELL fabrics, please visit our Uni Textile Products List .

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Hi guys, my name is Jane and I'm from Vietnam .
My hobbies is make up, fashion and Japanese culture.
Hope you guys will enjoy my posts about Japanese fashion industry and Japanese culture in general!
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Deliver From Japan
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