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28 May 2021

2021SS PTJ Exhibition Part 1: Introducing new products and popular products from existing factories

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Last year's PTJ was a year ago. At the exhibition, we saw a joint venture, and this year's new market price, and the return of the unreturnable cooperative factory and commercial sale is a little bit of a voluntary price. Please share with each and every one of you. Previously introduced and currently being used as a joint production company.

SHIBAYA, famous for natural materials

SHIBAYA's surface materials are many, and the texture of the surface is naturally high quality, and there are few people in Japan, and overseas markets are also very crowded.

At this time, SHIBAYA's current position is gone, and the ventile area is very crowded.

Due to the fact that overseas customers often consult with ventile surface fees, I think that I have come here to see the actual item, but because of the number of people around me, I also have a few simple beats.

The amount of time required to pay the fee is 3. . . OS2302 long-term delinquent coins, my personal and true example, Zhou 4 despatch, Zhou Wuhe SHIBAYA confirmation, 1,000 coins in stock, 1000 coins in stock, Zhou 1 revision time. . . It's worth it. . . The truth is that the real master is as good as he is, and that the subject matter is interesting and interesting.

My landlord has joined us and the most well-manned number of ventile surface fees, and we have reviewed the landlord's request.






This year's environmental protection SENDA was proposed as a three-section environmental protection fee. Among them is Kanpo Niryu. The impression is normal, but after adding environmental protection, I have increased the favorable impression of the surface material.

However, in the place of harm, we have accepted Toray's ECOLON. The cost of starting the production was completed.

The finished product of the next inspection

japan stretch

Producer of the famous Bao Li style clothing. High strength and waterproof surface. It is an emergency type, which can be seen under the surface, and the water resistance effect can be measured. The true point is to move forward.

Returned one small non-returnable cooperative factory merchant interesting product is here in 2021SS PTJ Exhibition Sharing (2) Chuyo landlord sharing. The owner of the property is the owner of the company.

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Deliver From Japan
GBP | Pound sterling
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