Deliver From Japan
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18 Sep 2020

Enjoy, I'm ApparelX

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The landlord is a good owner of ApparelX, a Chinese civil official who came from Japan, and was a high-quality landlord.

ApparelX is it?

ApparelX is Japan's largest clothing and clothing service B2B platform. ApparelX _ The website provides new products such as new menu items, menu items, and other new products on a regular basis every day.

In recent years, we have become more efficient in operating AI and other technologies, and the fastest way to deliver products to customers is at our advantage. Because of the international business development, I am a Japanese company, so why should I stop going? No request required, ApparelX provides multilingual services such as English, Chinese, Korean grammar, etc., multi-currency services, international shipping services, etc. Japanese goods are sent overseas, foreign goods are brought into Japan, there is no limit to what we can do, information is disclosed, clothing support is BtoB trading platform, ApparelX is an effort-oriented direction. As a result, I do not apologize for any harm that may be caused by the connection, and the Chinese language is not included.

Introducing the short story of Dong Mourning Ego

I am a Chinese citizen who was born in Wulu Muqi, Xinjiang, China (Han ethnicity), and studied at Hunan Central Forestry University. ~ Arrived in Japan in June 2018 after graduating from university. A certain second-year university student suddenly arrived at a study centering on the cultivation of small words, and then began the Japanese supplementary study group, which was completed in 5 years. Causes, Kiyoshi Nippon Jisho, Bieikan Yunichigeki, etc. After finishing the job, I decided to study Japanese and got a job and was very fortunate to enter the current company. Currently, he is an employee of the International Strategy Department of OKURA Shoji (ApparelX's Unling Company). After hope, many questions.


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Deliver From Japan
GBP | Pound sterling
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