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26 Mar 2021

[Campaign] Get 500 points by posting a review! (Up to 800 points!)

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ApparelX continues to work to improve the Japanese fashion and apparel industry by providing apparel materials, and we are now soliciting reviews on apparel materials to make the purchasing experience of all customers better. To do this, we have decided to start a campaign where you can get 500 points (up to 800 points) by posting a review.

Click here for reviews of previously purchased products (you can post all at once)

All customers who post reviews on products purchased on ApparelX will receive 1) 500 points equivalent to 500 yen for the first post, 2) 100 points for all posts from the second time onwards, and 3) Apparel accessories using apparel materials. If you post an image of the product, we will give you an extra 300 points. Please check the details below and feel free to post.

[Campaign Terms and Conditions] *Please be sure to check.

  • We will limit reviews to products that have actually been purchased and delivered from ApparelX.
  • 500 points will be awarded only once for your first post on ApparelX. (*1)
  • For the second and subsequent posts, 100 points will be awarded for every post during the campaign period. However, if there are multiple reviews for the same product, only one review for one product will be treated as a valid review for this campaign.
  • If you attach an image of a product such as apparel, accessories, bags, etc. that uses the product in your review, you will receive 300 points in addition to the points listed above.
  • All reviews are subject to approval, regardless of this campaign. Your review will only be valid after our approval. Reviews that include content that is inappropriate as a review will not be approved and will be excluded from this campaign. Please note.
  • Points will be awarded within 3 business days after review approval.
  • There is no set deadline for this campaign, but it is subject to change or termination without notice.

(*1) For customers operating with multiple users, only the first post within the company is eligible.

For details on how to post a review → click here

If you have not yet registered an account, please do so first. (Click the button below to move)

If you have any questions, please visit our support page .

ApparelX will continue to change the customer's apparel purchasing experience and change the world. Thank you for your continued support.

ApparelX team

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